Who is My QAPF?

What is a QAPF?


Last Update 2 years ago

Your QAPF or Quality Assurance Performance Facilitator is the person who is assigned to you through the client program in which you service. You will have a different QAPF for each program you work in. You should have been assigned this person at the end of your training class. Reach out to your instructor if you have not received an email from your QAPF by the end of training.

Tip: Make sure you communicate with your QAPF. They are there to help you! They can offer you enhancement training and coaching to help you improve your performance. Additionally, these people can make or break your SOW and standing with the company as they must report how you’re doing. Be friendly, professional, flexible and most of all coach-able to that you have a successful relationship with your QAPF!

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