What do I do if my Earnings Report is not correct?

Keywords: earning report, incorrect, wrong


Last Update 2 jaar geleden

If there are any discrepancies in your Earnings Report, please CONTACT STAR TEAM CHAT SUPPORT BY CLICKING HERE and navigating to the bottom right of the screen. 

The hours are NOT calculated by STAR Team Agency and therefore if you feel your hours are not correct you have the right to dispute. You have 3-business days from the date you have received your earnings report to dispute the items in your invoice. We will open a dispute with Arise on your behalf and if any adjustments are granted you will receive an update via email within 3-5 business days following the dispute filing. Parties are not obligated to address any issues related to the recovery of costs or corrections received later than 3 business days.

Please use the STAR Team Chat Support to check on your ticket status. 

Please read: Earnings reports will post between 6 and 8 PM CST on earnings report days. There is no need to submit an invoice to get paid. To access your earnings report please go to STARDash>Login> Pay Portal> Inbox. If you do not see an earnings report there, please check back later. You will receive an email once your earnings reports are posted. Check the STARDash for earnings report dates.

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