How do I schedule service intervals in Arise?

Keywords: starmatic, intervals, schedule


Last Update 2 years ago

You will learn how to use Starmatic in Arise during client certification.

You can ALSO access Starmatic tutorial videos in Arise when you go to Support Tab (on top middle), and then select Knowledge Zone.

You can set your own schedule using the Arise platform, working on the days and

hours you want to work and working as much as you want to work.

• Servicing intervals are available on a “first come, first serve” basis so it is beneficial to select servicing intervals (which are in half-hour increments) as soon as possible.

• There are more plentiful servicing intervals available during a client’s peak demand period. Please be sure to review the Opportunity Announcement (OA) for the client program you are interested in servicing for information about peak servicing times.

• The OA provides detailed information about each client program opportunity, the hours of servicing and the peak demand hours for the client. Be sure that the hours align with your desired schedule before you express interest in an opportunity.

• Certain client programs have specific servicing hour requirements which will be detailed in the OA. For example, some client programs require weekend servicing or servicing on certain holidays. Therefore, be sure to thoroughly review the OA and Statement of Work to ensure that you have selected the right client program for you and your company.

• Note that for certain client programs, if your company is a top performing business, you and your agents may receive the first choice of hours. This benefit is only open to top performing companies and is a good reason to strive to be a top performer.

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