How Do I Reschedule Client Training?

How Do I Cancel Client Training?


Last Update 2 anni fa

To reschedule a client training class go to the My Programs tab in your Arise Portal.  If the Reschedule Button is not available under your client then there is no option to reschedule that course.

To cancel your client training class go to the My Programs tab in your Arise Portal. If the Cancel Enrollment button is not available under your client then there is no option to cancel that course. You will need to reach out to STAR Chat Support HERE to let them know you are dropping a client after class has already started.

Please note that dropping a client training class after it has started will most likely result in you not being able to enroll in that client and other associated clients for at least 30 days.

Visit AVA on your Arise portal for more info. She is the lady in teal on the bottom right in Arise.

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